Walking into the gym with a positive mindset is going to allow you to PUSH yourself even when you get tired. When you get tired this is so means you shouldn’t stop.

Am I crazy? NO! really you should. not. stop. Instead you should honestly 10000% KEEP GOING. Tiredness means you are targeting what you want to target.. you think you are tired but you really aren’t it’s all a mental game, your brain is playing you. Let me tell you now your body is capable of stepping it up a level and doing much much more..believe and achieve ;). A positive mind will allow you to crush down through this MENTAL BRICK WALL and to positively push past it allowing you to reach your full potential. When you feel unbearable pain then ok ok fine it’s cool this is when you can and should stop.

    Bring LOTS of water to the gym! You need to stay hydrated throughout your are going to be burning calories and sweating a lot which can cause you to feel light headed..please don’t pass out (I’ve done this before..not fun!). I’m taking a 2 litre bottle of water to the gym because I feel like it’s better to be over stocked.

I cannot stress enough how having a PLAN before you even get to the gym is SO important. You can’t just roll up at the gym with a mindset like ‘oh maybe I’ll do a full body workout today or oh maybe I will do some arms’. What the hell do you even mean by this? Do you even know?

That ‘maybe’ indicates that you don’t really know what your goals are..big will be more likely to take breaks to think about what you actually want to achieve and you will slack on your workout. This can make you lose that desirable focus and it will not allow you to PUSH YOUR BODY to its FULL POTENTIALgym-motivational-amazing-hd-345889.jpg

SO.. have your plan READY and do you some resistance band warm ups or step on a treadmill to review your plan and mentally prepare yourself for the challenging workout you are about to kill.


Think- which muscle is on demand? Movements are controlled by the brain. You need to be able to visualize the target muscle, feel the muscle throughout each repetition as this will get you better results.


Literally just zone out of the world around you. If you’ve experienced negativity e.g. relationship problems, family arguments, stressed about school work or work/life balance…leave that outside of the gym.. mute it all out for now and twist your mind into a positive motivational weapon..revisit life sh*t later ok? This is your time now. Focus on your goals, the way you are performing movements and pushing yourself when you feel tired. There will be times when people might stare at you but you have to block it all out’s just you and the gym. Look, at the end of the day it is about reaching your goals and having no tell me what’s it going to be? You know the answer.


Music is the magic which makes your workout feel more me music is kind of like a pre workout it gives me a motivational buzz. I love being able to pick my own music rather than listen to the gym track which can get repetitive and boring (no offence). So make sure you have your headphones packed bruh!



Now… GET OUT OF HERE and SMASH your workout to pieces.. do it for you and only you xox



  1. Wow, I really like this post. I realized that I never have a plan when I workout. And I always end up sitting in the women’s locker room for 20 minutes and listen to music and look at pinterest. Thanks so much, this really helps! Great job on your blog! You’re definetly going somewhere! xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou Lily! I am glad you found this helpful, it’s easy to slack..i would say keep your music on and your phone in your pocket..get into the gym asap and don’t waste time..well i find time wasting demotivates me! AFTER the workout check pinterest til your heart is content😜❤


      1. No problem Emily! Thanks for the advice. I have started a schedule for going to the gym and I hope to start next week if I stop being lazy, haha. Music definetly helps and makes me so motivated. Thank you again 🙂 xxx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Your comment has made my day for real! Yes you go girl keep on track..maybe update your playlist with some killer tunes..i find this makes me excited to workout even more😍😍❤ you’re welcome if you ever need motivation don’t hesitate to drop an email or comment and i will be sure to push you into that gym!!✌🐯💪🔥💝xxx


  2. Motivational!! Mentality is key, never doubt yourself or else you failed before
    Its started especially when going heavy 🙌 they said look in the mirror that is the only person that is stopping you 👌💪
    There is this thing called mental fatigue and sensory fatigue though. It’s believed in some research papers they looked into more productive sessions, optimising workouts in a way that you can get maximal adaptations with minimal intensity at the gym and believe it or not they found that that this worked better because going hard at the gym every time puts a massive stress on your body especially if you plan on going to the gym the next day or even in the evening of the same day you might not get enough recovery time. Also if you do a really heavy weight session like 1 rep maxs etc too frequently it’s unhealthy for your bones and joints . Thought it was really interesting might have to find you the papers 👌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Damn you know your shit! Yes this sounds so interesting i would love to read it. If you have the opportunity please send it over to me and i will read! Is it a credible source – are there any other studies to back this one up also? Because don’t forget ‘go hard or go home’ i believe that people say this for a reason and i reckon betting $$$ i could find some challenging papers 😉


  3. Nice one, Emily! Will keep this tips in mind 👌🏽 Please keep writing – really helps people get motivated specially at the start of their fitness journey which is the hardest part! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😍Thanks babe this means alot! I’m glad i motivated you:) just follow the guy i told you on youtube for some good weight lifting tips and these motivational tips are you are stepping into the right direction! Much love💝💋💘


  4. I couldn’t agree more. I used to go to the gym with absolutely no idea of what I was going to do, and I used to be this dehydrated chick constantly tired, and feeling sluggish. Now, I make it a habit to drink 3L of water a day, no alcohol, and having a plan every single time I go to the gym. Awesome Post! And Spotify? Haha that’s basically my go to music app in and outside of the gym!


  5. I love this positive vibe Emily!😍You have absolutely hit the nail on the head and these tips are key to every gym session to be a success!💪🏾 Going to the gym ain’t always easy when you are getting looked at 👀 But you are right block it! It’s all about them goals👏🏾 From reading this I realise I don’t always plan but now I know how important it is to! Keep preaching girl 😍🙌🏾❤️❤️


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